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Necron 2011

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Jeu 21 Avr - 8:43

Même a 45 points, demande à léo si ses chevaliers sont ultra bourrin au cac.


Messages : 1306
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009


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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Jeu 21 Avr - 11:43

Certe mais ils n'ont pas les même carac. Les spectres ont F6, 3A et invu 3+. Si tu leur rajoute énergétique ça commence à faire d'autant plus qu'ils ont de base init 6....

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Jeu 21 Avr - 11:57

Endu 4, 1 pv c'est pas non plus solide. Et puis rien ne dit que les stats ne changeront pas.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Mer 27 Avr - 9:15

Plusieurs références nécron plastiques ne seraient plus commandable par les revendeurs.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Mer 27 Avr - 12:45

J'espère que ce n'est pas encore une fausse alerte. Ca fait plusieurs fois que les ref nécrons sont soi disant retirer des catalogues.

De toute façon ont sera fixer avec la news letters de mai (en tout cas pour aout).

Istaavan qui commence à déprimer.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  sharak Jeu 28 Avr - 13:18


Ca fait un ptit moment que je voulais me lancer sur une nouvelle armée 40k, je voulais une armée sans trop de fig et du coté obscur de la force, j'ai donc fait le pari sur la sortie prochaine du codex nécron !
Je viens de recevoir quelques 1eres fig pour commencer ma nouvelle armée, qui va - j'espère - un peu me changer de mes eldars (les mauvaises langues me diront "oui ça va te changer, tu gagneras plus Razz)

Sinon le warfo et warseer sont down, donc quelques mise à jour de rumeurs de DakkaDakka

Release date August
Power level: DE not BA/SW/GK

Rules are simplified.
WBB is basically FNP but not exactly.
Phase out is redone.
Not all gauss weapons are rending.
Necrons are a lot cheaper.
Necron's are getting lots of new things...


First wave:

5 plastic kits:
- Warriors (upgraded sprue with new options + orange, red, green rods - 10 per box)
- Immortals (40mm base, bigger with "bling" - 5 per box)
- Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers (torso is changed, one kit with lots of options - 1 per box)
- Necromancer (Eldar Wraithlord style - 1 per box)
- Tomb Spyders (3 different builds - 1 per box)

few blisters:
- metal lord on foot with staff of light


Second wave:
- Lord retinue
- Wraiths (plastic kit - 5 per box)
- Gauss artillery platform with crew or MC/Vehicle type thing (plastic kit)



No C'tans

Special Character Lords:
The Enfleshed - Flayed Ones become Troops
The Undying - Immortals become Troops
The Silent King ? (from SM codex)
The Voidbringer ? (from FoD)
The Stormcaller ? (from FoD)
The Harbinger of Night ? (from apo formations)

(one of them is 240 pts worth, cc specialist vs 2+)

Special Character - Anti psyker ? (could be new Pariah)
Special Character - Psyker counterpart ? (could be Cryptek from FoD)

(one of them is discharging electricity towards nearby psykers)

Random Lords - new wargear will be similar to DE HQ

Lot of the old wargear options were removed. However, now they act as special abilities or items owned by special characters.
Resurrection orb is more powerful.
Warscythes remain unchanged.


Elites - nasty special rules

Flayed Ones
Immortals - s2+
Pariahs - overhaul into Lord retinue



Warriors - no sergeants, primes and so on,
special rules for whole squads, possible C'tans mark system accordingly
to colourful rods. There is no dedicated transport.
Scarab Swarms


Fast Attack

Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers - significant drop of point cost, several weapon options (vs s2+, vs hordes)
Wraiths - jump infantry, 18" charge, are harsh.


Heavy Support
Monolith - remains expensive. However, Living metal rule is changing towards better.
Tomb Spyders - MC, 3 different builds (CC, Shooting, Support).
- MC, no squadrons, can be fielded as Elite or HS, high T but not
enough vs plasma or melta, Resurrection, Warscythe, lot of weapon
MC/Vehicle type thing (Obelisk/Gauss Obliterator/Gauss
artillery platform with crew) - 48” range, less powerful than Manticore,
looks stupid and out of Necron theme

Le problème c'est qu'entre les rumeurs et celle qui disent le contraire on sait pas trop où on va... Mais certaines rumeurs sont persistantes, telle que les Immortels qui seront refait en 2+, la disparition des C'tan et des spectres qui owne au close

...On en apprendra peut-être plus lors du GamesDay Fr le 22 mai ?

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Jeu 28 Avr - 13:37

Le problème c'est que beaucoup de rumeurs viennent de spéculation à partir de Fall of Damnos(Fod), or les livres n'ont jamais vraiment collés aux règles.

Mais en tout cas cla sera sympa de les revoire.

La disparition des c'tan est impossible, GW ne peut tout simplement pas se débarasser d'une figurine, mais leur utilisation sera certainement différente.

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Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  sharak Jeu 28 Avr - 13:56

Je parlais de disparition parce que le joueur lambda ça lui fera une belle jambe de pouvoir jouer son nightbringer à Apo..

Après y'a toujours la rumeur venue de Dawn of War 1 d'invocation de C'tan au cours de la bataille (le pouvoir du seigneur nécron essence du nightbringer je crois)

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Kimara Jeu 28 Avr - 13:59

Et essence du Deceiver dans soulstorm.

Donc ca voudrait dire que ce serait une sorte de démon majeur? Ou qu'il est la pour un nombre de tour limité?
P'tit C**

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Jeu 28 Avr - 14:00

Ça ne sera pas à apo, l"avatarisation" qui permettrait de les jouer à moins chère et moins puissant sans trop violé le fluff serait la meilleur solution à mon avis.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Jeu 28 Avr - 14:29

Perso je ne crois pas trop au maintient des dépeceurs en élite.

Les scarab en troupe c'est inutile entre ça et les guerriers le choix est vite fait. Par contre le système de marque est cool s'il ce confirme ça va vraiment donner une vrai possibilité de personnalisé les armées.

Dernière édition par Istaavan le Jeu 28 Avr - 14:42, édité 1 fois

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  sharak Jeu 28 Avr - 14:37

Ca peux être utile pourtant, comme les motojets eldar par 3 pour contester/violer un objo en fin de partie non ?

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Jeu 28 Avr - 14:44

sharak a écrit:Ca peux être utile pourtant, comme les motojets eldar par 3 pour contester/violer un objo en fin de partie non ?

A la difference que les motojet ne subissent pas des dommages doublé avec les lance flammes et les gabarits. Et je fais abstraction de la MI et de leur malheureuse endu de 3.

Sinon j'aime aussi le système de suite pour les seigneurs nécrons, enfin une escorte pour les QG qui du coup ont peut être se suffire à eux même.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  sharak Lun 2 Mai - 7:32


De nouvelles rumeurs nécron : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/365775.page

1) No surprise
here, but Necrons are still essentially Tomb Kings in space fluff wise. A
shift in fluff is now that all of the higher up necrons are intelligent
while the lower level ones are still basically automatons. I guess
that's roughly the same as it used to be, but apparently there is more
emphasis in the sentience of the higher Necrons now (hence the named

2) C'Tan are still in the codex...sort of. They have
been moved to the Elites section and are now a single unit choice, but
with variable upgrade powers you can take.

3) We'll be Back
is no longer called that and it is NOT Feel No Pain. Basically it is a
5+ bonus save similar to Feel No Pain, but doesn't get cancelled out by
double strength, AP1/2, etc. In addition, this save is made at the END
of the phase after morale tests are taken. If the unit is wiped out or
is falling back at the end of the phase, then the save cannot be used.
So as an opponent, if you manage to wipe the unit out or make them fall
back, then you prevent any Necrons from getting back up...unless the
unit has something called the 'ever-living' rule, in which case it gets
to attempt this save even if the unit is wiped out.

4) Gauss
Weaponry does NOT have rending. It retains the 'auto-glance' on a
penetration roll of a '6' rule, but apparently otherwise has lost the
'auto-wound' on a roll of a '6' regardless of Toughness that it used to
have. The Gauss Cannon is now apparently Assault 2 & AP3 (I'm
assuming the Strength is still 6). The Gaus Flux Arc on the Monolith no
longer automatically hits every unit within range, instead each one
fires separately and can hit four different targets.

5) Phase out is gone.

6) Destroyers now count as jump infantry and there is a new Fast Attack Jetbike unit called Tomb Blades.

7) Immortals are now a Troops choice. Pariahs are gone. Flayed Ones are Elites.

8) There are indeed 6 named characters (although I have no more info on
them). There is also a Necron Overlord and a bodyguard unit called
Crypteks. Crypteks can be split off before the game to lead units of
Necrons, very similar to Wolf Guard in the Space Wolves codex. Crypteks
can take a bunch of different technology upgrades, so there is kind of a
way now to have personalized squad leaders in a Necron army.

They army is much more mobile now in general. They have several units
of jump troops, and 2 new transport vehicles. 1 transport can carry 15
necrons while another can carry 10. Jump pack units count as 2 models
and jetbikes count as 5. The one that holds 10 is able to recover
casualties to a unit (although can't take it beyond its starting
strength). Necron vehicles besides the monolith are open-topped
skimmers. However they have something called 'Quantum shielding' which
gives their front & side armor +2 until the vehicle takes its first
glance/pen, at which point it loses the shielding. One of these two
transports (not sure which one) is apparently a personal transport for
the Lord (and his retinue).

10) There are six new vehicles
in the codex (including the two transports mentioned above). Two of
which seem to be based around this old Jes Goodwin design: http://storage.canalblog.com/29/28/731795/53057637.jpg

In general Necrons have a lot more long ranged fire support. There is
also a new weapon type called Tesla weapons. These weapons, on a roll of
'6' to hit automatically cause two more hits. The biggest version of
the Tesla weapons has a chance of hitting all other units close to the
target; both friend and foe. One of the new vehicles carries the
doomsday cannon: 72" S9 AP1 Heavy 1 large blast. BS4.

12) In
the Elites section there is a big new walker. It has a heat ray that
that is either a melta or flamer depending on what you want to do. Any
unit hit by this vehicle is marked (as in: laser targeted), which means
that all other necrons count as being twin-linked for shooting at the
marked enemy unit that turn.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Lun 2 Mai - 9:32

Ca a l'air cohérent, il n'y a que la disparition des pariah qui est peu crédible!

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Lun 2 Mai - 16:23

Mouais, mouais, mouais.

1) No surprise
here, but Necrons are still essentially Tomb Kings in space fluff wise. A
shift in fluff is now that all of the higher up necrons are intelligent
while the lower level ones are still basically automatons. I guess
that's roughly the same as it used to be, but apparently there is more
emphasis in the sentience of the higher Necrons now (hence the named

Oui à la personnalisation des hauts dignitaires nécrons et non à l'import/copie du fluff roi des tombes !!

Weaponry does NOT have rending. It retains the 'auto-glance' on a
penetration roll of a '6' rule, but apparently otherwise has lost the
'auto-wound' on a roll of a '6' regardless of Toughness that it used to
have. The Gauss Cannon is now apparently Assault 2 & AP3 (I'm
assuming the Strength is still 6).

Alors en gros on enlève ce qu'il y de bien avec les destroyers (mouvement+tir et sans doute la règle motojet) et on conserve les pauvres règles du fusil à fission, qui va donc continuer à ne servir à rien.

Phase out is gone.

Une bonne chose, les guerriers vont enfin arrêter de servir de pigeon d'argile.

Immortals are now a Troops choice. Pariahs are gone. Flayed Ones are Elites.

Alors ça, c'est du dommaine du rêve éveille à mon avis pour les immortels.

Des unités d'assaut avec [24PS F5 Assaut 2] endu 5 c'est la dispoarition des guerriers de base. Je persiste à croire que les dépeceurs vont passer en troupe, quand aux pariahs leur dispariton en tant qu'unité est possible s'ils sont réservés aux suites des seigneurs.

and 2 new transport vehicles

Ca aussi ça ressemble à un délire de fanboy. C'est rare quand les rumeurs de véhicule de transport sont abordés mais ça reste délirant pour une armée dont le fluff est basé sur une version très évolué de la téléportation.
Par contre que les monoliths puisse faire apparaître n'importe qu'elle unité restée en réserve ça c'est possible.

Two of
which seem to be based around this old Jes Goodwin design:

Comme ça : Necron 2011 - Page 2 53057410

C'est dans la continuité des rumeurs concernant un pylône de téléportation, ce qui une bonne nouvelle.

In general Necrons have a lot more long ranged fire support. There is
also a new weapon type called Tesla weapons. These weapons, on a roll of
'6' to hit automatically cause two more hits. The biggest version of
the Tesla weapons has a chance of hitting all other units close to the
target; both friend and foe. One of the new vehicles carries the
doomsday cannon: 72" S9 AP1 Heavy 1 large blast. BS4.

12) In
the Elites section there is a big new walker. It has a heat ray that
that is either a melta or flamer depending on what you want to do. Any
unit hit by this vehicle is marked (as in: laser targeted), which means
that all other necrons count as being twin-linked for shooting at the
marked enemy unit that turn.

Ca aussi ce sont de bonne nouvelles autant pour le marcheur que pour les armes de support, ont va enfin pouvoir ouvrir des chars. Very Happy

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Date d'inscription : 22/11/2009
Age : 38
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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Lun 2 Mai - 16:46

Fabien a écrit:Plusieurs références nécron plastiques ne seraient plus commandable par les revendeurs.

Je confirme les destroyers c'est finis sur maelstrom (while stock last).

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Lun 2 Mai - 18:53

Mieux vaut stocker du bataillon, vu la tendance des nouveaux bataillon à être de moins en moins rentable.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  sharak Ven 6 Mai - 7:30

Ajout de quelques rumeurs venant du même mec :
13) Necron Warriors have the same basic statline they had before except
they now have a 4+ save. Now before you go crazy, also note that their
points cost is 12 points, which is a 1/3 price drop (down from 18
points). That means you get 1/3 more Warrior models in the army for the
same amount of points...it also makes losing an entire unit due to
sweeping advance, not nearly as painful.

I know a lot of cynical people will hate this and accuse GW
from simply making the change to sell more Warrior models, and you
could be right. But personally I was always hoping they were going to
make Necron Warriors not quite as tough and dump the points cost on
them, so you could really take a ton of them...given in my mind they are
supposed to be more like a shambling horde of undead robots than some
sort of small elite force of super-warriors (but that could just be me).

So this change alone totally changes the army from out of the 'MEQ' umbrella and makes their base statline unique in the game (which is good, IMHO).

14) Immortals have lost their T5 (down to T4), but keep their 3+
save. However, their points cost has dropped to 17 pts a model, which is
an 11 point drop (more than 1/3 a drop from the previous cost of 28

15) All units in the army benefit from the new WBB rule, not
just the units that were formerly classified as 'Necrons' in the
current codex (even Scarabs!). So although you're only getting a 5+ save
in many cases, you're still getting it on some of the more expensive
stuff in the army as well (and there are some pricey new units to
counterbalance the relatively cheap Warriors and Immortals). Also the
vehicle that can add models back into the unit is also able to use this
ability on any unit.

15) Rez Orb is still in the game and boosts the new WBB
rule to a 4+ instead of a 5+, but only affects the unit it is in. I
have a strong suspicion that this is an upgrade that Crypteks can take
(I'll confirm if I find out), so I'd imagine you can get quite a few
units in the game getting the 4+ bonus save if you want to pay the
points to take them for your Crypteks and then split those Crypteks off
to lead units.

16) Veil of Darkness is now definitely something Crypteks can take
(so you can have a bunch of 'em in the army), but it no longer allows a
unit to be pulled out of combat (and neither does the Monolith), except
in the case of the Veil carried by one of the named Lords.

17) In the new fluff it sounds like the C'Tan were mainly killed
off by the Necrons (or something like that), so the C'Tan that you field
in the game are just remaining shards of their power. They're naturally
still a really mean Monstrous Creature who rocks in combat, but you can
also purchase a bunch of different abilities. These abilities are in
line with a lot of the things we've seen in the last few codexes, things
like: messing around with Deep Striking enemy units, making enemies
moving through terrain differently, and allowing the Necron player to
change some of his deployment, etc.
So it sounds like you have a lot of different options with the C'Tan
that really mess with the enemy army and/or supplement your own. And
they are not one per army (so you can have 3 if you want to use up all
your Elites on them, although it sounds like the other Elites choices
are pretty awesome as well).

18) Some of those six new vehicles include flyers (not sure how
many), which can move at cruising speed and fire all their weapons.

19) Besides a few units that are Fearless (Wraiths, Tomb Spyders
and Scarabs), the army doesn't have any sort of blanket immunity to
morale. They are still Ld10, but obviously we know that still leaves
them very vulnerable to being run down in combat, and it looks like that
will remain a big Achilles heel.

20) Scarabs sound great. They are cheap, have the new WBB
rule, move like beasts and have an ability that erodes enemy armor when
they get into combat with it. Any non-vehicle model they wound, but
don't kill, has its armor save turned to a dash (i.e. nothing) for the
rest of the game. If they hit a vehicle, on a 4+ the vehicle loses a
point of armor value on ALL facings, and if any facing is reduced to
zero, then the vehicle is destroyed (I'm not sure if this ability kicks
in for each hit they get on the vehicle, or just once no matter how many
hits they cause). There are some items in the army that also have a
similar ability to erode armor, including one of the C'Tan powers.

So it sounds like Scarabs may play a major role in most Necron armies!

21) Overall, CC
is definitely still the weak point of the army, but it looks like
they've got a lot of different places they can take special rules to
slow down or screw with approaching enemy, including some of the C'Tan
powers, but also some of the different gear they can take. But they also
have some different potential counter-assault units, which mainly come
out of the Elites section (besides the new Walker, the C'Tan and the
flayed ones in Elites there are 3 OTHER brand new units in there as
well, for a grand total of 6 Elites choices). The Flayed ones are, being
consistent, cheaper than they were and now have 3 Attacks base (but
their save is now 4+ as with standard Warriors). One of the other new
Elite units is also CC
oriented, but is very pricey points wise (but is S5/T5/3+save). This
unit can wield a Warscythe, but they are not called Pariahs (no idea if
that's what Pariahs have 'turned into' or not).

Another new Elites choice is a sniper style unit that can Deep
Strike into play normally or it can choose to immediately Deep Strike
immediately after the opponent brings an enemy unit on from Reserves,
and they have some nasty additional damage ability against one nominated
unit...obviously we need more info to know how useful this will really
be, but the concept of countering an opponent's Reserve deployment
immediately sounds interesting at least.

The last new Elites choice is an Elite Jump Infantry unit with very close range shooting and some decent CC ability (and are also S5/T5/3+save).

22) Fast Attack has 4 choices...Wraiths, Tomb Blades (jetbikes), Scarabs & Destroyers.

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Ven 6 Mai - 7:49

If they hit a vehicle, on a 4+ the vehicle loses a
point of armor value on ALL facings, and if any facing is reduced to
zero, then the vehicle is destroyed

Et la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier d'alu. Le mono il faut le toucher 14 fois pour le détruire ? Non mais vraiment là en plus d'être bourrin c'est devenu ridicule

In the new fluff it sounds like the C'Tan were mainly killed
off by the Necrons (or something like that), so the C'Tan that you field
in the game are just remaining shards of their power

Alors là si j'ai bien compris, les nécrons auraient tué eux même certain de leur dieux ?? HERESIE !!! J'en connais un qui va finir dans la Tamise s'il continue le massacre de fluff à ce ryhtme....

The last new Elites choice is an Elite Jump Infantry unit with very close range shooting and some decent CC ability (and are also S5/T5/3+save).

Rumeur persistante et pour le coup une bonne rumeur.

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Date d'inscription : 22/11/2009
Age : 38
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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Dim 8 Mai - 21:10

Bonnes règles et fluff de merde? Un bon gros Matt Ward en somme!

Je te propose de prendre le codex et de brûler tout ce qui n'est pas des règles.

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Message  Fabien Dim 8 Mai - 21:13

Istaavan a écrit:
If they hit a vehicle, on a 4+ the vehicle loses a
point of armor value on ALL facings, and if any facing is reduced to
zero, then the vehicle is destroyed

Et la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier d'alu. Le mono il faut le toucher 14 fois pour le détruire ? Non mais vraiment là en plus d'être bourrin c'est devenu ridicule

Je crois que tu lis mal, ce sont les scarabs qui ont se pouvoir, ce n'est pas une protection des véhicules nécrons.

Mais déjà réduire de deux le blindage d'un mono serait énorme.

Messages : 1306
Réputation : 12
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : Toulouse


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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Dim 8 Mai - 22:03

Fabien a écrit:Bonnes règles et fluff de merde? Un bon gros Matt Ward en somme!

Je te propose de prendre le codex et de brûler tout ce qui n'est pas des règles.

Ou de changer d'armée au choix.

Mea culpa pour les règles. Ce que je lit ces temps ci me fatigue, j'ai la désagréable impression que je vais regretter mon codex et me retrouver avec une armée banale.

Dernière édition par Istaavan le Dim 8 Mai - 22:07, édité 1 fois

Messages : 528
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Toulouse

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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Kimara Dim 8 Mai - 22:05

Fabien a écrit:Je te propose de prendre le codex et de brûler tout ce qui n'est pas des règles.

Oublie, j'ai essayer, les pages sont trop épaisses pour un briquet...je vais devoir investir dans un chalumeau.

Sinon c'est que les tir du mono baisse le blindage?
P'tit C**

Messages : 548
Réputation : 4
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010
Age : 30
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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Fabien Dim 8 Mai - 22:20

Ce sont les attaques des scarabés qui baissent le blindage.

@Istaavan : au contraire tu vas te retrouver avec une des armées les plus différentes de 40k: avec une statline inédite, un fnp améliorer(rien ne l’enlèvent apparemment) des mécaniques nouvelles(la modification permanente du blindage) etc...

Ward fait quand même des règles intéressantes à jouer en générale et pas si déséquilibrer sauf parfois une/deux unités, mais c'est l'apanage de GW.

Messages : 1306
Réputation : 12
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : Toulouse


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Necron 2011 - Page 2 Empty Re: Necron 2011

Message  Istaavan Lun 9 Mai - 8:22

Fabien a écrit:@Istaavan : au contraire tu vas te retrouver avec une des armées les plus différentes de 40k: avec une statline inédite, un fnp améliorer(rien ne l’enlèvent apparemment) des mécaniques nouvelles(la modification permanente du blindage) etc...

Si je regarde les rumeurs en tant que joueur du chaos, alors là oui l'armée commence à avoir des "règles" qui la différencie des autres.

En tant que joueur nécrons cerrtain truc sont quand même à ce tirer une balle dans le pied.
Les guerriers qui passe à svg 4+ qui reste mauvais au cac, moyens au tire et avec une arme qui continue à être inutile pour le moment le seul point positif des guerriers c'est le leader d'escouade (complétement anti fluff comme options mais passons) et les éventuel équipements dont lui ou son escouades vont disposer.

Bon après c'esst vrai que le choix d'unité devrait considérablement augmenter et que la demat ne devrait plus être une obsession.

Messages : 528
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Toulouse

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